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Showing posts from November, 2010

Canadian Performance Poetry Contest

So Scott Griffin recently announced his sponsorship of a new poetry competition for high school students across Canada (read the G&M article on it here ). Naturally enough, I'm in favour of it, particularly so because it emphasizes the performance of poetry and not simply the reading of it. When you are forced to think about how a poem (or any work of art) is communicating its meaning, you gain a better understanding of it ( Ruth Padel's meditation on a Bruegel painting illustrates this point well). Beyond that, thinking about how to speak a poem (or any piece of literature) in such a way that you can actually keep an audience interested forces you to see the beauty of a poem, or its lack. Despite what has been said in some critical/theoretical circles, there must be an inherent connection between beauty and art. Art cannot be anything (a mass-produced urinal comes to mind as a good example). The point of art is to force someone to reach out beyond themselves, so that the...

An 18th C. Style Plea For The Restoration Of The Art Of Listening

A quick word of warning: this is a work of entertainment, filled with hyperbole, and is not intended to be taken in complete seriousness. With that in mind, enjoy! Tempus tacendi, et tempus loquendi. It has long been an Observation of mine that our World is little occupied with the Practice of Listening, and upon much Reflection, I have decided that there is a Moral Obligation for myself to expound on this most pressing Problem. In each Place, each Mode of Discourse, each Matter of Importance, I cannot help but be made aware of the Clamour created by a Miriad of Voices, each Shouting in a vain attempt to be heard above the Din of Others; not One realizing that their own Voice is simply Another Part of the Cacophony. Sirs, we seem to have lost the Art of Listening, and whereupon, our Manners and all things which proscribe to our very Humanity. As each Voice, each Opinion, each Insight piles ever higher upon the very Heap of Garbage that is swiftly accumulating within the Great Sphere of...